As part of our support for form student teams, we hosted students from the CAT-Racing team at the University of Applied Science Coburg on 11 March 2024.
The young, dedicated team has decided to switch from the combustion engine class to electric Formula vehicles and chose our digital BAMOCAR 160 battery motor controller for this purpose. As the switch from the combustion engine class means that the racing team is entering a new area, they wanted to get to know us and coordinate their concept with us.
They also wanted to gain some initial experience on our engine test bench and clarify any questions.
After a very interesting presentation of their vehicle concept and a joint harmonisation of their implementation of our Bamocar 160 motor controller, they went straight into the laboratory. There, the CAT-Racing powertrain team was able to independently commission the system with an Emrax 228 motor and a supply voltage of 48 V under supervision and learn how to operate it with the NDrive software.
We were very pleased about your visit and the exchange of experiences and wish everyone from the CAT-Racing team every success for the 2024 season.